Hi, I’m Lizzie

A passionate cook, farmer’s wife, mother of two and the founder of The Dill Tickle.

I’ve always loved food; cooking; entertaining. I grew up helping my mum in the kitchen - we were always cooking for a crowd on our farm. My enthusiasm for sharing good food with friends took off in my 20’s - I even did a ‘Julie and Julia’ style challenge for a year; cooking every recipe in a cookbook and blogging about it (my friends really reaped the benefits of that little project!).

I also discovered a passion for making pickles and jams and it soon became my go-to gift for friends - a homemade jar of something delicious given as a thank you at dinner parties, weekends away etc.

Whilst living in Orange and working in hospitality and events, I met my husband and soon after, moved to Mendooran, to the farm where we run sheep and cattle. In 2019, in the midst of a long and crippling drought, with a toddler at foot and a second baby on the way and after much encouragement from friends and family, I took the leap and turned my hobby into a business.

The Dill Tickle, so named because that was what I called dill pickles as a child (while eating them straight from the jar!) has unwittingly become my saviour and success story! With the unwavering and always optimistic support of my lovely husband Dave and our children Harry and Edie, (all big pickle fans!), I am lucky enough to be able to do what I love, whilst living in a rural location.

Little did I know that being called “The Condiment Queen” as a child would actually be foretelling of my future!

The Dill Tickle’s range of pickles and jams are homemade with love in the kitchen on our farm. I make small batches, using seasonal produce. I source some produce straight out of our own veggie patch, some from friends, family and local farmers and the rest from local suppliers. I support small businesses so that my customers can too! All my products are made seasonally, so when things are out of season, I’m not using them in my cooking. All my products are free from preservatives and additives. The Dill Tickle is a contemporary & fresh take on the flavours you love.

I’m happiest when I’m in my kitchen, creating delicious food to share with other people.

I hope you enjoy The Dill Tickle products as much as I love making them!

Lizzie x